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This is one of the most popular steroids in our store. You can’t go wrong when you pick sustanon What sets it apart from other blends That it doubles up. Once a day is all you need and thats less than what others prescribe And its not stiff on your wallet either- so feel free to add some more valuable goodies to your basket while youre here!

This xtreme blend of four potent anabolics maximizes muscle growth whilst minimizing unwanted side effects. Sustanon is your perfect partner for prolonged no-hassles cycle, with the added benefit of being able to maintain a stable blood sugar level thanks to its long half-life.

Sustanon is a perfect blend for those that want something to take care of their need. For someone looking for less shots and better blood sugar stability, Sustanon solves both these problems. With each ingredient available in time release form, one can worry about injections only every 2 weeks!

This has always been a medistar favourite. Sustanon is the best test blend there is. Its a perfect blend of 4 anabolics, this is a great product for someone who wants to do less shots because each of the ingredients are time released. Sustanon keeps your test at a nice level so your blood suger doesn’t go up and down. No mood swings. Call us now!

SUSTANON 250 Effect

Sustanon 250 is to bodybuilding what Kleenex is to tissues. At higher doses, estrogenic effects can be severe and anti-estrogens like Nolvadex or Proviron are recommended. Taking Sustanon will also reduce the bodies natural production of testosterone which makes a post-cycle therapy of HCG or Clomid common.
While we cannot promise that it will give you pro size gains in one cycle, we’re confident you’ll see immediate and tangible results with: Outstanding strength increase, overall aesthetic enhancement, superior metabolism and dramatic mass gains from tip to toe.? Not for nothing should Testosterone take its name from building material testosterone cypionate!

With an active half-life of only days, Sustanon 250 is a user favorite for hardcore athletes. With an effect that can last from one to three weeks, this version of our popular testosterone blend offers a sustained release and maximum effectiveness. This means you get unmatched muscle power and extreme solidity without out any side effects or peaks in which your body will start to shut down at the steep rise in hormones.
*Home runs! Vast gains! Improved endurance! Testosterone replacement therapy never looked so good.*

SUSTANON 250 Side Effects

SUSTANON 250 or testosterone suspension, is a long-estered formulation of fast acting ester together with slow esters which attempts to create an effective, stable single dose of testosterone. In general side effects will occur but can be minimized by using anti-estrogens and HCG post cycle therapy.

Sustanon 250 is often used to help with recovery after a cycle. It also provides the best strength increase when compared to other steroids in its class. Sustanon can be stacked with test but surly not at higher doses due to potential genetic risks and side-effects that may occur (Nolvadex or Proviron recommended). You should note that, like all steroids, it carries some risk of liver toxicity and cardiovascular disorders. This drug will reduce your natural testosterone levels which makes post-cycle therapy all but required.

*Outstanding strength increase
*Overall aesthetic enhancement
*Superior metabolism
*Dramatic mass gains

“Sustanon 250 is a synthetic testosterone derived from testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate. It contains four of the most powerful anabolic steroids on earth that are taken one after another for first-time steroid users.”


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