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What exactly is Bacteriostatic Water?

Bacteriostatic Water for Injection is sterile, non-pyrogenic water that has been preservatived with 0.9 percent benzyl alcohol (9mg/mL). This solution of sterile water and benzyl alcohol (BnOH) allows for several withdrawals from a single 30mL plastic vial. According to Hospira, the world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of bacteriostatic and sterile water, once a vial of bacteriostatic water is opened, the preservatives will extend its life for up to 28 days. The vial should be discarded after this time period.

Bacteriostatic water differs from sterile water in that other sterile fluids for injection do not contain a bacteriostatic ingredient. As a result, these are single-dose vials that should be destroyed after one usage.

Purchase Bacteriostatic Water, Insulin Syringes, and Other Products!

We sell excellent Hospira brand Bacteriostatic Water and Sterile Water for Injection online with an expiration date of more than a year. Bacteriostatic Water is a preparation that is only intended for parenteral administration. Furthermore, it should only be used after adding medicines that need to be diluted or dissolved in an aqueous solution before injection. Bacteriostatic water is provided in a multiple-dose bottle from which medicines for injection can be diluted or dissolved. The pH level is 5.7. (4.5 to 7.0). H2O is the chemical formula for Water for Injection, USP.

The semi-rigid vial container is made of an unique polyolefin formulation, which is a copolymer of ethylene and propylene. This plastic has been found to be safe in tests conducted in accordance with USP requirements. Visit buy Bacteriostatic Water online at wholesale supply costs, go to our Buy Bacteriostatic Water page.

Sterile Sealed Glass Vials, Empty

Empty injection vials are sterile, nonpyrogenic vials manufactured of USP Type I glass that are used to combine various medicines or injectable solutions. The sealed lid allows for simple needle insertion while safely storing the injected liquids for mixing. Each empty sterile vial includes one drop of pyrogen-free water that, when autoclaved, renders the vial sterile (sterilization process).


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