


Belitropina – HGH from Italy: 150 IU

Half-Life Active:

3:34 hours

Dosage Recommendation:

1-4 iu per day

Actual Outcome:

* Boost fat-free lean mass

* Increase metabolism

* Boost cardiovascular performance

* Tone up your body

* Increase muscular strength and endurance.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH)


On the surface, HGH looks to be the legendary Fountain of Youth that Ponce de Leon sought hundreds of years ago.

Over the last decade, HGH treatment has seen a meteoric surge in popularity. To further comprehend this tendency, let’s take a look at what HGH works in a nutshell. On the most fundamental level, HGH promotes growth, cell multiplication, and regeneration in humans and other animals. From birth until our adolescent years, the human body produces a large amount of natural HGH.

This quantity will then skyrocket during puberty, when there is a growth spurt and other noticeable physical changes as the human body transforms and adapts in preparation for maturity. Because of its capacity as a cell producer, HGH is frequently considered as one of, if not THE, most essential hormones at this time. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a protein-based hormone that exists as a single chain polypeptide of 191 amino acids that is produced, stored, and secreted (released) by the pituitary gland. Somatotroph cells in the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland, located near the base of the human brain, are responsible for this.

HGH affects nearly all tissues and organs in the body. To refer to synthetic versions generated by recombinant DNA technology, rHGH and/or rHGH are frequently shortened. Unfortunately, as we reach our early to mid-thirties, the pituitary gland begins to reduce the quantity of HGH it generates. As our HGH levels fall, our bodies begin to age as the amount of HGH accessible to us decreases. This decrease can lead to physical health issues such as diabetes, weaker muscles, weaker bones, muscle mass loss, and a rise in body fat.

As well as mental issues such as sadness, a lack of energy, and the all-too-common “mid-life crisis.” Increasing HGH levels naturally or through rejuvenation/replacement treatment will provide protection against certain diseases. There are numerous methods for increasing HGH. Hormones – either peptide (growth promoting) or sex (androgen) hormones will result in an increase in HGH. Increased HGH results in increased muscle mass, decreased bodyfat, increased concentration, vigor, and energy, as well as all of the health advantages associated with youth and being young again. On the surface, HGH looks to be the legendary Fountain of Youth that Ponce de Leon went out to find hundreds of years ago.

However, this was not the intention of rHGH treatment. HGH was originally used to treat youngsters with stunted development. Originally developed to treat children’s development abnormalities such as dwarfism and adult growth hormone deficit such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and, in certain cases, senile dementia, it is now used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and senile dementia. Scientists initially learned about growth hormone by examining and treating youngsters who did not develop normally. It is worth noting that the pituitary gland not only governs physical growth but also other glands throughout the body that generate hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.

In early studies, scientists and researchers discovered that injecting ground-up pituitary glands extracted from cadavers into children resulted in normal growth and development. Yes! The very first HGH on the market was derived from dead bodies. Because it involved the collection and pooling of glands from a large number of cadavers, the method was sluggish to investigate in trials, research, and continuing therapy. Furthermore, there was a risk of spreading slowly developing viral diseases like as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a form of which is now well recognized as “mad cow disease.”

Thankfully, recombinant technology has overcome the concerns of disease transmission and limited supply. After several failed attempts to build a synthetic version of HGH, Eli Lilly found the missing relation of the last amino acid hormone in the 191-aa structure of HGH in 1986 and proved that it was an indistinguishable match to the HGH produced by the pituitary gland. As a result, Humatrope, the first synthetic HGH medication on the market, was born. More comprehensive studies and testing on a larger number of patients might now be undertaken to determine the full potential usefulness of HGH treatment.

HIV patients suffering from AIDS wasting syndrome were one of the most promising trial groups. This syndrome, known as cachexia, is linked to advanced HIV illness. Victims have significant weight loss, mostly of lean body mass and muscle, as well as a rise in body fat. Prior to the availability of combined antiviral and HGH medication, the disease was far more common in the industrialized world. HGH demonstrated a substantial boost in preventing muscle mass loss and maintaining body fat off test subjects. Currently, these two categories account for a tiny proportion of HGH users.

The primary motivations for using HGH fall into two groups. 1 – Anti-aging and Rejuvenation Therapy; 2 – Athletics and Performance Enhancement Let’s take a quick look at the first category of people who are looking for anti-aging therapy and youthful rejuvenation advantages. Is it any surprise that hundreds of Rejuvenation Clinics have sprung up in every major city, with proven results and reported effects of HGH therapy including increased lean muscle mass, decreased body fat, increased metabolic rate, increased bone density, increased energy levels, more youthful skin tone and texture, increased sexual function, and improved immune system functions?

Synthetic HGH use for the elderly anti-aging crowd is a better alternative to attempting to increase HGH naturally in ways that do not fit into their lifestyles (excessive sleep), may do more harm than good (fasting, cold exposure), or, in the case of the elderly, ways they cannot perform in any case (vigorous exercise, fasting, cold exposure).

HGH rejuvenation therapy for anti-aging is now remarkably inexpensive. HGH will no longer cost hundreds of dollars each month, as it did a decade ago. Most people will only require an average daily dose of 2ius for anti-aging treatments. Furthermore, users at this low dose will not suffer any of the negative effects associated with HGH at larger levels.

Athletes seeking HGH’s performance boosting powers make up the second largest group of HGH users. It is no longer reserved for members of an elite bodybuilding club. However, everyone from cyclists to baseball players, tennis players, swimmers, and even fencing competitors are looking to gain a competitive advantage by taking HGH. What precisely makes HGH so desirable? In addition to its well-known capacity to increase lean muscle mass, increase energy and attention, and reduce body fat, HGH is also extremely effective in improving sports performance in other ways.

HGH facilitates a quicker recovery. When athletes are training harder than ever to be faster, stronger, and to outperform their previous performance, the rate at which a man can heal and recover from a hard workout or training session is a huge benefit for him because he can train more frequently without risking overtraining and jeopardizing any potential gains or performance. When a six-figure sports contract or an Olympic gold medal is at stake, one cannot afford to skip training sessions for any reason.

HGH is a very synergistic medication. Many athletes who want to improve their performance use more than one compound at the same time. When HGH is combined with another molecule, the effects of both HGH and the other compound are amplified. This indicates that stacking growth hormone with a basic oral steroid will increase the effectiveness of both the steroid and the HGH. Growth hormone is particularly common in off-season programs where athletes frequently stack the substances for this multiplier effect.

HGH aids in the healing of connective tissue damage. In many contact sports, connective tissue injuries can be the most serious. They are not like muscle injuries, which you may train to prepare for or work around – they are joint failures caused by external contact. HGH causes them to recover faster, allowing the player to return to the field sooner. For bodybuilders, the benefit is doubled since HGH also aids in muscle healing.

The main idea behind bodybuilding is that you break the muscle down by exercising hard and generating tiny rips in the muscle as a result of the stimulation. The muscle then heals itself and prepares for future workouts by rebuilding itself larger and stronger. As a result, it expands. HGH is quite beneficial in this aspect.

HGH can help with enhanced oxygen uptake. Any athlete who is sprinting down a football field or riding a bicycle with all of his might understands how critical every bit of oxygen he can get into his lungs is. Athletes’ general dosages vary depending on the nature of the sport and its demands on the body. Most athletes will start with a dose of 4ius each day and work its way up depending on the sport and their aspirations. Dosing regimens will differ greatly depending on whose “expert” you listen to. However, it is widely known that taking HGH first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is the most effective way. Keeping in mind that HGH was released in the largest amounts throughout the body throughout adolescence, athletes will follow a dosage regimen of Monday through Friday, with Saturdays and Sundays off. Others will try a more irregular dosage schedule in an attempt to more precisely simulate the erratic spurts of adolescence. A schedule like this would necessitate dosages on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday is a day off. Friday and Saturday will be standard dosage days, with Sunday being the following off day.


Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a protein-based hormone that exists as a single chain polypeptide of 191 amino acids that is produced, stored, and secreted by the pituitary gland. Increased HGH results in increased muscle mass, decreased bodyfat, increased concentration, vigor, and energy, as well as all of the health advantages associated with youth and being young. Increasing HGH levels naturally or through rejuvenation/replacement treatment will provide protection against certain diseases. HGH was originally developed to treat children’s development abnormalities such as dwarfism and adult growth hormone deficit such as Alzheimer’s disease. It is now used to treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and senile dementia. HGH demonstrated a substantial boost in preventing muscle mass loss and maintaining body fat off test subjects.

  • Over the last decade, HGH treatment has seen a meteoric surge in popularity.
  • On the most fundamental level, HGH promotes growth, cell multiplication, and regeneration in humans and other animals.
  • HGH was originally used to treat youngsters with stunted development.
  • Originally developed to treat children’s development abnormalities such as dwarfism and adult growth hormone deficit such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and, in certain cases, senile dementia, it is now used to treat
  • Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and senile dementia.
  • HIV patients suffering from AIDS wasting syndrome were one of the most promising trial groups.


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